Posts By :

Roderick Derks

La Marmotte 2011 200 154 Roderick Derks

La Marmotte 2011

Korte versie van het verhaal : het ging allemaal goed, ook de laatste klim naar Alpe d’Huez in één keer. Eerste klim Glandon met lage hartslag gereden, 142 bpm, dat was het geheim samen met de lage temperatuur van 26 graden. Lekker gereden, mooie uitzichten.

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Le Grand Prix des Rousses 2011 150 150 Roderick Derks

Le Grand Prix des Rousses 2011

Tijdit over 42,5km, ook al staat op de website al jaren 40km vermeld. Die laatste 2,5km horen er echt bij omdat hier flink geklomen wordt. Menigeen die deze rit voor het eerst rijdt snapt niet waar de finish blijft, er zijn ook geen bordjes. De Franse organisatie Sportcommunication is hier gewoon slecht in. Terwijl toch echt het woord COMMUNICATION in de naam is verwerkt. M’n handen jeuken.

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La Vaujany 2011 150 150 Roderick Derks

La Vaujany 2011

Hier kan ik kort over zijn. Vorig jaar was ik goed aan de voet van de slotklim en reed ik ‘m in 7:12. Dit jaar zat ik kapot ben ik diep gegaan om überhaupt de finish te bereiken. In 8:22u. Mind over body.

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Bind/Named: troubleshooting issues 150 150 Roderick Derks

Bind/Named: troubleshooting issues

Issue: No DNS lookups for external domains anymore, resolving internal domains works correctly
Error: "(network unreachable) resolving '"
Solution: check the current date and time on the server and adjust it.

Issue: DNS requests for FQDN's outside of my LAN are not resolved anymore.
Jun 16 18:41:11 alpedhuez named[13832]: validating @0x7f32c43d00a0: . NS: got insecure response; parent indicates it should be secure
Jun 16 18:41:11 alpedhuez named[13832]: error (insecurity proof failed) resolving './NS/IN':
Jun 16 18:41:11 alpedhuez named[13832]: managed-keys-zone ./IN: No DNSKEY RRSIGs found for '': success
Jun 16 18:41:11 alpedhuez named[13832]: managed-keys-zone ./IN: No DNSKEY RRSIGs found for '.': success
Jun 16 18:41:11 alpedhuez named[13832]: /var/named/dynamic/managed-keys.bind.jnl: create: file not found
Jun 16 18:41:11 alpedhuez named[13832]: managed-keys-zone ./IN: keyfetch_done:dns_journal_open -> unexpected error
Jun 16 18:41:11 alpedhuez named[13832]: validating @0x7f32c43cd070: . NS: no valid signature found
Jun 16 18:41:11 alpedhuez named[13832]: error (no valid RRSIG) resolving './NS/IN':
Jun 16 18:41:11 alpedhuez named[13832]: validating @0x7f32c43cd070: . NS: no valid signature found
Jun 16 18:41:13 alpedhuez named[13832]: error (no valid RRSIG) resolving './NS/IN':
Jun 16 18:41:14 alpedhuez named[13832]: error (network unreachable) resolving './NS/IN': 2001:dc3::35#53

Jun 16 18:41:13 alpedhuez named[13832]: validating @0x7f32c43cd070: . NS: no valid signature found
Jun 16 18:41:13 alpedhuez named[13832]: error (no valid RRSIG) resolving './NS/IN':
Jun 16 18:41:14 alpedhuez named[13832]: error (network unreachable) resolving './NS/IN': 2001:dc3::35#53
Jun 16 18:41:14 alpedhuez named[13832]: error (network unreachable) resolving './NS/IN': 2001:7fd::1#53

I don't konw the solution, but I do know it is related to dnssec. I disabled dnssec in my named.conf as a workaround:
dnssec-validation no;

Maybe someone else can explain this to me?

ESXi: HA errors and troubleshooting 150 150 Roderick Derks

ESXi: HA errors and troubleshooting

Just now I got this error when trying to enable HA on a cluster with two ESXi4 hosts:"Cannot complete the configuration of the HA agent on the host. Other HA configuration error."

When experiencing HA configuration issues there are a couple of steps I usually take to try to fix the experienced issues:

  • Click “reconfigure for VMware HA” and see if the issue is still there, if so:
    • Is DNS configured and does it actually work? If not, fix and reconfigure for HA.
    • Is the gateway reachable? If not, fix and reconfigure for HA.

This usually solves 75% of the issues. If it hasn’t been fixed the next step I usually take is unloading the agent and restarting the management services. Although it is pretty rigurous it is the fastest way of fixing HA issues.  In my case I am using ESXi and this is what I needed to do to clean up the host:

  • Disable HA on the cluster
  • /opt/vmware/aam/
  • /sbin/ restart
  • Enable HA on the cluster

This solved the issue I had with HA,

Les Trois Ballons 2011 133 200 Roderick Derks

Les Trois Ballons 2011

De eerste zware jongen van 2011, Les Trois Ballons. Vorig jaar voor het eerst goed uit kunnen rijden, dat wil ik dit jaar weer. Vlak voor de start houdt het op met regenen en we rijden weer met 2500 man richting de eerste Ballon. Voel me niet super vandaag, benen hebben niet zo’n lekker los gevoel. De eerste 99km tot aan de Grand Ballon vraag ik me ook af waar ik weer aan begonnen ben. “Als ik klaar ben mag ik lekker in bad en dan even slapen” zeg ik tegen mezelf.

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Steven Rooks Classic 2011 133 200 Roderick Derks

Steven Rooks Classic 2011

Het is 2 juni 2011 en ik begin aan mijn eerste cyclo van het seizoen. Nog nooit ben ik zo laat begonnen met een serieuze test. Pas in februari begonnen op de Tacx, constant gehinderd door een rugblessure. Ik heb er wel zin in omdat ik deze rit wel goed aan kan. Leuk om weer eens mezelf te testen, en het is goed weer.

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Centreon: install centreon-engine on Centos 5.6 150 150 Roderick Derks

Centreon: install centreon-engine on Centos 5.6


yum install gcc-c++ libX11-devel libXext-devel libXtst-devel libXinerama-devel wget tar xfvz cmake-2.8.4.tar.gz ./configure gmake gmake install 

Centreon Engine —————

yum install gcc-c++ qt4-devel cmake make

useradd -m centreon groupadd centreon usermod -a -G centreon centreon

cd /tmp wget tar xzf centreon-engine.tar.gz cd centreon-engine cd build

cmake -DWITH_USER=centreon -DWITH_PREFIX=/usr/local/centengine -DWITH_TEMP_DIR=/usr/local/centengine/tmp -DWITH_GROUP=centreon -DWITH_CHECK_RESULT_DIR=/usr/local/centengine/var gmake gmake install

– Installeer nu de plugins

-service installeren

	chkconfig --add centengine  	chkconfig centengine 345 on



	service centengine start


Centos install on USB device using kickstart 150 150 Roderick Derks

Centos install on USB device using kickstart

# Kickstart file generated by Roderick Derks.
# Centos 5.6

url –url
lang en_US.UTF-8
keyboard us
timezone –utc Europe/Amsterdam
rootpw  –iscrypted $6$AFQ9hKwPBKDUZwXd$E9nM0G2GBa4h2wDoG3D4mbK/fhpg.ER0RovPd4c5zKLHXjv7APZ7/rDAcDSvpFa2CBqq9rEdyZHYw/eY13EON.
selinux –disabled
authconfig –enableshadow –passalgo=sha512 –enablefingerprint
firewall –enabled –ssh –http

#ask for network config during installation
#network –device=eth0 –bootproto=query


bootloader –location=mbr –driveorder=sda –append="acpi=off"
clearpart –linux –drives=sda
part /boot –fstype ext3 –size=100 –ondisk=sda
part pv.6 –size=0 –grow –ondisk=sda
volgroup VolGroup00 –pesize=32768 pv.6
logvol swap –fstype swap –name=LogVol01 –vgname=VolGroup00 –size=500 –grow –maxsize=2016
logvol / –fstype ext3 –name=LogVol00 –vgname=VolGroup00 –size=1500 –grow

%packages –nobase
– -audit-libs-python
– -checkpolicy
– -dhcpv6-client
– -ecryptfs-utils
– -ed
– -file
– -gnu-efi
– -gpm
– -hdparm
– -kbd
– -libhugetlbfs
– -libselinux-python
– -libsemanage
– -nspr
– -nss
– -policycoreutils
– -prelink
– -selinux-policy
– -selinux-policy-targeted
– -setools
– -setserial
– -sysfsutils
– -tcl
– -udftools
– -vim-enhanced

#sleep 1

%post –log=/root/kickstart-post-log

rpm –import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-5
yum -y remove kernel iptables slang usermode wireless-tools
yum -y remove cryptsetup-luks dbus dmidecode hwdata libgpg-error libusb
yum -y remove libvolume_id libxml2-python pciutils
#yum -y remove cyrus-sasl-lib logrotate

cat >> /root/ <<_POST01

# rpm-forge
cd /tmp
rpm –import
rpm -i /tmp/rpmforge-release-0.5.1-1.el5.rf.x86_64.rpm

# update Centos
yum -y check-update
yum -y update

# install apache
yum -y install httpd
service httpd start


# backup originele rc.local maken
cp /etc/rc.d/rc.local /etc/rc.d/rc.local.backup
# test:
cp /etc/rc.d/rc.local /etc/rc.d/rc.local.backup2

# executable rechten geven aan het  script
chmod +x /root/

#info toevoegen aan rc.local
cat >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local <<_POST03
    # eenmalig uitvoeren  scripts
    echo —- UITVOEREN SCRIPT /root/
    # Terugplaatsen rc.local.backup naar rc.local (restoren van origineel)
    # waardoor eenmalige uitvoer  script is gegarandeerd
    cp /etc/rc.d/rc.local /root/rc.local
    mv -f /etc/rc.d/rc.local.backup /etc/rc.d/rc.local


Centos Fedora: PXE boot server setup 150 150 Roderick Derks

Centos Fedora: PXE boot server setup

* yum install tftp-server

* vi /etc/xinetd.d/tftp and change disable to 'no' and check root path for tftp server

disable = no server_args = -s /tftpboot

* restart xinetd

service xinetd restart

* Install syslinux

yum install syslinux

* Copy needed files from syslinux to the tftpboot directory

cp /usr/share/syslinux/pxelinux.0 /tftpboot cp /usr/share/syslinux/menu.c32 /tftpboot cp /usr/share/syslinux/memdisk /tftpboot cp /usr/share/syslinux/mboot.c32 /tftpboot cp /usr/share/syslinux/chain.c32 /tftpboot

* Create the directory for your PXE menus

mkdir /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg

* Create a base directory for images. Create directories for each CentOS release you are supporting.

mkdir -p /tftpboot/images/centos/x86_64/5.0 mkdir -p /tftpboot/images/centos/x86_64/5.1 mkdir -p /tftpboot/images/vsphere/esxi5

* For each "Release" and "ARCH" Copy vmlinuz and initrd.img from /images/pxeboot/ directory on "disc 1" of that $Release/$ARCH to /tftpboot/images/centos/$ARCH/$RELEASE

* Add this to your existing or new /etc/dhcpd.conf.

Note: is the IP address of your PXE server

allow booting; allow bootp; option option-128 code 128 = string; option option-129 code 129 = text; next-server; filename "/pxelinux.0";

* Restart DHCP server

service dhcpd restart

* vi /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default

default menu.c32 #default CentOS 5.6 x86 prompt 0 timeout 100 ONTIMEOUT local MENU TITLE RICT Consultancy PXE Menu LABEL CentOS 5.6 x86 MENU LABEL CentOS 5.6 x86 KickStart KERNEL images/centos/i386/5.6/vmlinuz APPEND initrd=images/centos/i386/5.6/initrd.img ramdisk_size=300000 ks= ksdevice=eth0 LABEL CentOS 5.6 x86 Manual eth0 MENU LABEL CentOS 5.6 x86 Manual eth0 KERNEL images/centos/i386/5.6/vmlinuz APPEND initrd=images/centos/i386/5.6/initrd.img ramdisk_size=300000 napic acpi=off ksdevice=eth0 LABEL ESXi 4.1 KickStart menu label ESXi 4.1 KickStart kernel mboot.c32 append images/vmware/esxi/4.1/vmkboot.gz ks= --- images/vmware/esxi/4.1/vmkernel.gz --- images/vmware/esxi/4.1/sys.vgz --- images/vmware/esxi/4.1/cim.vgz --- images/vmware/esxi/4.1/ienviron.vgz --- images/vmware/esxi/4.1/install.vgz label ESXi 4.0u1 KickStart menu label ESXi 4.0u1 KickStart kernel mboot.c32 append images/vmware/esxi/4.0u1/vmkboot.gz ks= --- images/vmware/esxi/4.0u1/vmkernel.gz --- images/vmware/esxi/4.0u1/sys.vgz --- images/vmware/esxi/4.0u1/cim.vgz --- images/vmware/esxi/4.0u1/ienviron.tgz --- images/vmware/esxi/4.0u1/install.tgz

* Copy files from the first linux CD and the ESX 4.1 ISO to a webserver

* For ESXi copy the following files to your TFTP directory, in this case for 4.1 /tftproot/images/vmware/esxi/4.1 :
cim.vgz  ienviron.vgz  install.vgz  sys.vgz  vmkboot.gz  vmkernel.gz

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