Automatically create DHCP addresses from the commandline

Automatically create DHCP addresses from the commandline

Automatically create DHCP addresses from the commandline 150 150 Roderick Derks

Create a csv file, each line contains :,,00409D3C40FD,09-200-0277 = scope = ip adress

00409D3C40FD = MAC adress

09-200.0277 = hostname


Then execute the following command that uses the file to make the reservations:

for /f “tokens=1-4 delims=,” %G IN (list.csv) do netsh dhcp server \\dhcp_servername scope %G add reservedip %H %I %J


Token-1-4 = select the 4 columns from above

List.csv = Bestand waar alle adressen in staan

Rest van de commando’s spreekt voor zich


Execute the following command as administrator:

for /f “tokens=1-4 delims=,” %G IN (list.csv) do netsh dhcp server \\dhcp_servername scope %G add reservedip %H %I %J

Roderick Derks

Liefhebber van fietsen, van het oplossen van IT puzzels, en van het delen van informatie om anderen te helpen.

All stories by:Roderick Derks

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