R71 IT Blog

Nagios: Monitor IBM DB2 database

Nagios: Monitor IBM DB2 database 150 150 Roderick Derks

Install perl DBI module # perl -MCPAN -e 'install DBI' Install the Application Development Client to be able to compile DBB:DB2 perl modules. Download it here: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=71&uid=swg21256079 To Install the DB2 Application Development Client you need the library libstdc++.so.5. On my Centos 5.5 installation it was missing. I installed it like this: # rpm -q…

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Monitor vCenter Appliance (vCSA) via SNMP

Monitor vCenter Appliance (vCSA) via SNMP 200 125 Roderick Derks

As we all rely more and more on vCenter for managing datacenters with VMware ESX hosts and for delivering our virtual desktops, we have to be sure vCenter services are running smootly. So monitoring is important. First there was only vCenter on a Windows host. Works fine. Monitoring was possible because you controlled the Windows…

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vCenter database reaches 4GB and stops

vCenter database reaches 4GB and stops 150 150 Roderick Derks

Problem: vCenter crashes also after a restart of the service. SQL Express is used (has a 4GB limit). Event viewer error log: CREATE DATABASE or ALTER DATABASE failed because the resulting cumulative database size would exceed your licensed limit of 4096 MB per database. Solution: Download a script from the VMware Website KB article for…

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ESXi5, gPXE boot, ks script install via HTTP

ESXi5, gPXE boot, ks script install via HTTP 150 150 Roderick Derks

Howto perform a scripted ESXi 5.0 installation via HTTP and not TFTP? You can find the answer here. And the WHY question? Because HTTP is faster, can handle larger files, does not cost performance of your PXE boot server, and you not limited to your network (via internet is possible too). For ESXi4 it was fairly easy to install…

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ESXi5, PXE boot setup and ks.cfg

ESXi5, PXE boot setup and ks.cfg 150 150 Roderick Derks

A short overview about how to install an ESXi5 server via PXE boot using the following steps. Set up a PXE boot server Copy the content of the ESXi5 ISO to a directory Edit VMware's boot.cfg file Create a ks.cfg file for unattended installation Edit the PXE boot config file Step 1 Set up a…

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Running nested VM’s on virtualized ESXi 4 or 5

Running nested VM’s on virtualized ESXi 4 or 5 150 150 Roderick Derks

If you got an ESXi hosts running and you want to run an ESXi server as in virtual machine and add VM's to the virtualized ESXi host, these nested VM's won't start. Error message: ESX Running VMware ESX in a virtual machine requires the outer virtual machine to be configured for running a VMware ESX guest operating…

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vSphere5 new HA architecture

vSphere5 new HA architecture 150 150 Roderick Derks

vSphere5 comes with a completely new HA architecture. There is no more AAM agent like in vSphere 4.1. Instead, there has been a new agent introduced which is named FDM – Fault Domain Manager. The Primary/Secondary concept with 5 primary nodes which has been known in vSphere 4, is gone. You no longer needs to…

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ESXi 5 Scripted Install to USB Flash

ESXi 5 Scripted Install to USB Flash 150 150 Roderick Derks

One of the great features of VMware vSphere is the capability to boot VMware ESXi from USB flash — eliminating local storage and array controllers can reduce the acquisition and operational costs for hypervisor hosts. Now with VMware ESXi 5, it is possible to perform an automated installation to USB storage.  Simply specify usb-storage as…

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Single SSL proxy to multiple SSL and non-SSL domain names

Single SSL proxy to multiple SSL and non-SSL domain names 150 150 Roderick Derks

After some puzzeling I found the way to create a SSL web proxy that connects to SSL and non-SSL websites. This is an example of the VirtualHost configuration in the ssl.conf file. Read more about creating ssl websites here. NameVirtualHost *:443 <VirtualHost *:443>     ServerName site_no_ssl.r71.nl     SSLEngine On     SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt     SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key…

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How to create a self-signed SSL Certificate

How to create a self-signed SSL Certificate 150 150 Roderick Derks

Step 0: Install Apache module mod_ssl # yum install mod_ssl # service httpd restart Step 1: Generate a Private Key The openssl toolkit is used to generate an RSA Private Key and CSR (Certificate Signing Request). It can also be used to generate self-signed certificates which can be used for testing purposes or internal usage.…

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Linux: which program is using what port

Linux: which program is using what port 150 150 Roderick Derks

netstat -tlnp netstat -tlnp | grep <portnumber>

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How to update a Centreon installation

How to update a Centreon installation 150 150 Roderick Derks

Very simple procedure: service ndo2db stop service centstorage stop service centcore stop ./install.sh -u /etc/centreon service centstorage start service centcore start service ndo2db start Restarting the daemons is needed to make sure the new software is loaded into memory. I.e.: not restarting the service centstorage will result in graphs not being updated anymore. Troubleshooting Centreon Graphs Check…

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