Posts By :

Roderick Derks

Centos Nagios Centreon Kickstart 150 150 Roderick Derks

Centos Nagios Centreon Kickstart

Centos 5.6 x86. Easily adjustable for 64-x86
Ready for Compact Flashcard in a Nagios Satellite
Ready for testing on a VMware Virtual Machine (you would normally use a 64 bit OS in a VM.

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autossh init script 150 150 Roderick Derks

autossh init script

Enjoy this script that will help you to initiate SSH connections automatically.

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Kill multiple Linux processes one command 150 150 Roderick Derks

Kill multiple Linux processes one command

ps ax | grep {PROCESSNAME} | grep -v grep

kill -9 `ps ax | grep {PROCESSNAME} | grep -v grep|awk '{print $1}'`

Reverse SSH tunnel 150 150 Roderick Derks

Reverse SSH tunnel

Have you ever wanted to ssh to your Linux box that sits behind NAT? Now you can with reverse SSH tunneling. These steps will show you the concept and how to set up reverse SSH tunneling. The reverse SSH tunneling should work fine with Unix like systems.

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Centreon: add a poller 150 150 Roderick Derks

Centreon: add a poller

Steps to take (some are very specific for me and will not work for everyone):

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Centreon Broker: install from CES Repo 150 150 Roderick Derks

Centreon Broker: install from CES Repo

Add the CES repo.

This installes centreon-broker, qt4-mysql and qt4
# yum install –nogpgcheck centreon-broker

This installs centreon-broker-cbd and centreon-broker-core
# yum install –nogpgcheck centreon-broker-cbd

This installs centreon-broker-cbmod
# yum install –nogpgcheck centreon-broker-cbmod

Query repo rpm packaage and list files:

# yum install yum-utils
# repoquery –list centreon-broker-cbmod

Add Centreon Repo to Linux yum 150 150 Roderick Derks

Add Centreon Repo to Linux yum

# wget

# mv *.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/

# yum list|grep centreon

Centreon Broker: compile build and create an RPM 150 150 Roderick Derks

Centreon Broker: compile build and create an RPM

Let’s build the Centreon Broker!

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Garmin Edge Cadance sensor problem solved 600 800 Roderick Derks

Garmin Edge Cadance sensor problem solved

During a ride the registration of the cadans sensor of my Garmin Edge 705 stopped working. So I did the obvious: change the battery of the cadance sensor.

The only shop in my neighbourhood sells these cheap CR2032 battery’s. I thought I’d give it a try. This did not work. The green light (speed) did not work, the red light one (cadans) did.

Then I bought a higher priced battery of around € 3,50. Both lights red and green worked, but the Garmin did not pick up the sensor. I tried to scan, disable and enable the cadans sensor in the Garmin configuration over and over again. Rebooted it repeatedly. No result. Googled, no solution.

I emailed Garmin support, still waiting for them to reply after three days.

Last option I could think of was to take the battery out of the cadans sensor for around 15 minutes and then put it back in again. Rescan and.. this worked! Connection restored. Really weird. Thought I’d share the solution.

Alpe d’Huzes flyer 584 884 Roderick Derks

Alpe d’Huzes flyer

Pfoe, dat tekstschrijven en lay-outs maken in professionele software voor designers is nog niet zo makkelijk. Je zou het bijna een beroep kunnen noemen.

Ben wel blij met het resultaat. Morgen ga ik de flyer laten drukken op A5 formaat. Het aantal donaties moet nu een vlucht gaan krijgen.

Je kunt ‘m hier downloaden.

En dan nu snel weer trainen..

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